Hard Farming contracts guide [Pre-planting] (under construction)

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Hard Farming contracts guide [Pre-planting] (under construction)

Post by Deflexus »

Hard Farming contracts guide [Pre-planting]

Welcome to this guide about pre-planting hard farming contracts. The reason why we would wanna pre-plant seeds, is to have a chance at B2B completing contracts. By having plants pre-grown, you have a chance of completing multiple contracts in a row. Getting quicker seeds and completing the 50 farming contract hard task quicker! Let's get on with it.

Quick guide:

Seeds to plant:
Seeds that are underlined can be substituted for other seeds. See full guide for more information.
  • Watermelon seed
  • Snape grass seed
  • White lilly seed
  • Potato cactus seed
  • Poison ivy seed
  • Maple tree seed
  • Snapedragon seed
  • Celastrus tree seed
  • Dragonfruit tree seed
  • Redwood tree seed

Beginner tier guild:

Allotment patch:

There are 2 allotment patches, so we'll plant one of each to have both be ready. Below you can see how you can protect your plants so that they can't get diseased. It's still recommended to use super- or ultra compost on these patches to increase yield, and especially if no protection is used to decrease disease chances.

  • Growth time: 1h20
  • Paid protection: Curry leaf's x10 (not recommended)
  • Plant protection: Nasturtium and White Lilly in the flower patch

Snape grass
  • Growth time: 1h10
  • Paid protection: Jangerberries x5
  • Plant protection: Nasturtium and White Lilly in the flower patch

Flower patch:
There is only one hard contract for this patch. So we'll want to have a white Lilly planted at all time. Which will also work by protecting both your allotment patches. White Lilly seeds can only be obtained via Hespori or bought from other players.

White Lilly
  • Growth time: 20 mins
  • Protection: N/A

Cactus patch:
There is only one hard contract for this patch. So we'll want to have a Potato Cactus planted at all time. This one is recommended to just pay the protection fee and not use compost on it, as this doesn't increase the yield.

Potato Cactus
  • Growth time: 1h10
  • Paid protection: Snape grass x8

Bush patch:
This is the first patch where we'll have to make a personal decision on what to pre-plant. As there's only 1 available patch and 2 contracts. Whiteberries and Poison Ivy. I always opt for the Poison Ivy, as this plant can't be diseased.

  • Growth time: 2h40
  • Paid protection: Mushroom x8

Poison Ivy:
  • Growth time: 2h40
  • Paid protection: not deseasable.

Intermediate tier guild:

Herb patch:
Here we have a lot of choice, and is not really recommended to use for pre planting, but can be done of course. I mostly use this patch in my herb runs, and only plant a contract when given one.

  • Snapdragon
  • Cadantine
  • Lantadyme
  • Dwarf weed
  • Torstol

Tree patch:
Here we have 3 different options. My go to pre-plant for this are Maple trees, as paid protection for these are easy to obtain (fill a basket at charter ships).

Maple tree
  • Growth time: 5h20
  • Protection: Oranges (5)

Yew tree
  • Growth time: 6h40
  • Protection: Cactus spine x10

Magic tree
  • Growth time: 8h
  • Protection: Coconut x25

Advanced tier guild:

Special patch:
Here we can only plant the Celastrus seed. Same as with the cactus patch, we'll want to have one of these ready to be checked at all time if possible. It's advised to pay protection for this one and using compost on top of this will in fact increase yield of battlestaffs!

Celastrus tree
  • Growth time: 13h20
  • Protection: Potato cactus x8

Redwood tree patch:
Here we can only plant a Redwood tree. It is highly recommended to always pay the protection fee for this one. As it takes almost 4 and a half days to fully grow. Also, due to this time. It's of good practice to only harvest this tree only on contract in my opinion.

Redwood tree
  • Growth time: 4d10h40
  • Protection: Dragonfruit x6

Fruit tree patch:
This is the only advanced patch where we'll have to make a decision on what seed we're willing to plant. I don't think there's a preferred fruit tree to go for. Would just recommend to plant the one you can at least pay protection for. Using compost on these fruit trees doesn't affect the yield.

Palm tree
  • Growth time: 16h
  • Protection: Papaya fruit x15

Palm tree
  • Growth time: 16h
  • Protection: Coconut x15

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