1/11/2024 - Slayer VIP Tickets & Double Donation Credits

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1/11/2024 - Slayer VIP Tickets & Double Donation Credits

Post by Mrbennjerry »

Patch notes for: 1/11/2024 - To help sustain the server, rank credits rewarded from donating are doubled for the time being
   - Meaning if you donate $50 you'd get diamond rank, which normally requires $100 donated
- Added Slayer VIP tickets
      - Allow you to select the task you're assigned by any master, useable once
      - Chance of getting when completing any task, chance scales with master
      - Also available in the vote shop for 5 vote points
- Lowered the cost to cancel a slayer task from 30 points to 20 points
      - Ruby donator now reduces cancel costs by 50%, down to 10 points
      - Diamond donator now reduces cancel costs by 100%, down to 0
- Added 4 zeah region rewards that boost the amount of dark essence fragments that can be carried at once
      - +25% at easy
      - +50% at medium
      - +75% at hard
      - +100% at elite
- The 'previous spellbook' option on the arcane grimoire now sets the current spellbook as your previous, so you can swap back and forth
- Shadow warrior tasks can now only be assigned if legend's guild requirements are met
- Mining actions can now be started with a full inventory while Endless harvest is active
- Burning logs with an infernal axe still contributes towards chop log tasks
- Burning logs with an infernal axe now rewards experience based on the amount of logs you would've received, instead of 1 every time
- Kandarin headgear effect of chopping an additional normal log is now applied before endless harvest, resulting in 4 logs per chop instead of 3
- Mining and Woodcutting tasks are now properly incremented by the amount of logs chopped, instead of 1 every time
- Lamps from the treasure hunter relic will now be added to the inventory for UIMs
- Fixed some 'Obtain x, y, and z drops' tasks not properly completing
      - On top of this, added a login check for existing completions of these tasks
- STASH units can now be withdrawn from when they only have 1 stored item
- Demonic gorillas will now properly change styles from juggernaut boosted hits
- Demonic gorillas now yell 'Rhaaaaaaa!' when changing attack styles
- Base max capes can now be stored in the cape rack in houses
- Players can now player +1 hunter traps in the wilderness
- Removed debug message when withdrawing costumes from the costume room
- Trader stan's 'charter' option now works properly
- Fixed some jank with short fade teleports
- Sophanem church ladders no longer get the player stuck
- Clue bottles can now be acquired for any eligible tier depending on what you're fishing
      - Each tier is rolled seperately, so you should expect more clues from this change
- Added command for viewing donation benefits, ::donationperks
- Quetzal whistle now has similar restrictions to normal teleportation
- Arcane grimoire can now be used to resurrect thralls
- Added a pool of refreshment to the varlamore home, south of the infinem guide

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